Category: NEWS

  • Discuss the needs and structure of the national electricity supply in the next few decades

    The power demand and streamlined structure of power sources is noted in all countries. Especially in the context of increasingly fierce climate change and many traditional energy sources are on the verge of exhaustion. Countries are transforming energy use towards a sustainable direction and increasingly ensuring social justice. Content of calculation, determination of demand and […]
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  • CO2 emissions from the energy sector: a problem for Vietnam and the world

    In this article, the Vietnam Energy Journal will introduce a panorama of greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions from energy consumption in 2019 on a global scale, regions, groups of countries, and representative countries and Vietnam in terms of: Size, growth, share, per capita and per unit of energy consumed in relation to the influencing factors. Thereby […]
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  • Investment policy of O Mon 2 Thermal Power project and opinions of insiders

    After the Prime Minister approved the investment policy of O Mon 2 Thermal Power Plant – a component project (downstream stage) in the Block B – O Mon project chain, an expert from Vietnam Energy Magazine contacted with stakeholders and received a lot of enthusiasm and responsibility. Considering the appraisal report of the Ministry of […]
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  • Digital transformation trend in the oil and gas sector

    After oil price shocks, declining reserves and responsibility for climate change, the oil and gas industry has a basis to expect that digital transformation will solve this challenge and improve economic efficiency. joint. The following article will analyze the digital transformation initiatives adopted by oil and gas companies around the world, at the same time […]
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